Concordia Lutheran Church is located at the corner of Home Ave. and 32nd St. in the village of Berwyn, just west of Chicago.
We worship the Holy Trinity, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In His name we are baptized, and by Him alone are we created, redeemed, and made holy.
We believe that Jesus Christ, true God from all eternity, became true man to take away the sin of the world. He has rescued us lost ones from sin, death, and hell by living a perfect life as our substitute and by dying on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for all of our sins. His resurrection from the dead guarantees that the payment has been made in full. Whoever believes in Him has eternal life!
We believe that we cannot by our own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ or make a decision for Him. The Holy Spirit alone creates and sustains faith in us through the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins. God's life-giving gifts are bestowed upon us in the water of Holy Baptism, in the proclamation of the Gospel, in the Absolution, and in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper where we receive Christ's body and blood.
We hold the prophetic and apostolic scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God, and the sole source and norm of faith and life. We confess the doctrine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Book of Concord, drawn from and in agreement with these scriptures, to be faithful and true.
We believe that we are now to live for Him who died and rose again for us. Our Christian worship and life is in response to His love for us. By receiving freely and often God's promised gifts to us in Word and Sacrament, we believe that we seek first His Kingdom and that we are strengthened to serve Him until He comes again.
In 1923, Pastor Warner Grothman was sent to Berwyn by the English District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod for the purpose of establishing a new congregation. The first services were conducted in the Odd Fellows’ Hall on Oak Park Ave. and Windsor in October. The congregation was officially organized on February 6, 1924.
Our first sanctuary building
Later that year, the congregation purchased a frame building at the corner of 32nd and Home, formerly a Presbyterian church. It was used for worship for 25 years. At that time, it was moved and remodeled and became the Fellowship Hall of the congregation.
With an eye towards missions, Concordia conducted branch Sunday schools in Stickney and North Riverside. The latter led to the formation of Ascension Congregation.
Through the blessings of God, the congregation grew and dedicated the present building in 1951.
In 1927, a house on Clinton Ave. was purchased as a parsonage. It was replaced in 1937 by the present home at 3138 S. Home Ave.
In 1992, the Fellowship Hall underwent a much-needed renovation. This was accomplished by the grace of God and thanks to a gift from a sainted member, Joseph Ocasek, and a hard-working group of people headed by Joseph Steinhoff. The beautiful, renovated Hall, with new lighting and a handicap washroom, was dedicated in 1993.
The fall of 1992 saw a wonderful growth in the area of Christian Education programs with the establishment of Concordia’s Little Lambs Preschool. Mrs. Kay Matthews was the Director-Teacher who spearheaded this State licensed Preschool that brings the love of Jesus to many three and four year olds.
As we put our trust in our Lord Jesus, remain faithful to His Word and the Sacraments, there is no end in sight as to the work the Lord can do through our people. May we continue to serve Him and love one another in His name, until we all meet for a Concordia Family Reunion in Heaven.
Concordia’s organ is an M.P. Moller, built under Opus 8109, installed in 1950, at a total contract price was $10,518 by Gustav Fabry and Sons, Inc. with money raised by the Ladies’ Aid.
The instrument originally contained two manuals, 11 ranks, an AGO pedal board, and 21 tubular chimes. In the early ‘80s, a zimbelstern was added.
In the late ‘90s, major renovation of the organ took place. The console and swell shade system were converted to solid state and the pipes were revoiced. A total of $24, 968 was raised through donations from congregation members. The money collected for the renovation exceeded the cost, and the extra money was used for a midi resource system. The work was done by Fabry Inc. and was written up in the December 1998 issue of “The Diapason”.
One of the advantages of the midi resource system is the ability to record the instrument and all the movements of the organist, including swell expression pedal movement and all piston button changes. As a result the organ can play by itself for the unusual occasions when the organist cannot be on the bench. Organist Carol Zitko has used the midi resource system to record over 450 hymns. On Sundays this allows her to take part in the Lord’s Supper while the congregation is led in their singing by hymns she has pre-recorded into the midi system.
(708) 795-7563
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