Psalm 72

The Kings of Israel and Judah embodied their nations. When the King was faithful, God considered the whole nation faithful. When the king chased other gods, God considered the whole kingdom unfaithful. In Deuteronomy 28, Moses says what happens when the nation is faithful. God will bless them in the land he has given them. Moses also says what will happen when the nation is unfaithful. God will curse them.

When Solomon writes this Psalm, he knows what a king is supposed to do: Justice and Righteousness. These words were the king’s job description. Justice: To support the rights of the poor against the oppressor. Righteousness: To ensure right worship of God at the temple in Jerusalem.

The kings always failed. King David failed. King Solomon failed. Even the best king, Josiah, failed wise people, too.

Great leaders always fail. They let us down, and the people who follow them are left empty.

Jesus never fails.

Great Leaders Always Fail Us
Pastor James Huenink
