Ephesians 5:1-2

St. Paul tells us to be imitators of God, to walk in love like Christ. So, we have to ask, “What did Jesus do for us?” You probably know the story. He saw our lost condition, and he knew he had to do something. He left his heavenly throne, and he became a human being. He lived through everything we lived through but he did it without sin. Then he died on the cross, giving his life as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. He loved us with everything he had, and he still does.

God has made us like Jesus, and he wants us to serve like Jesus did, too. Jesus served with everything he had and we should, too. The world tells us to act differently. The world says that we need to take care of ourselves first. We need to fill up our cup before we can fill others. But that’s not the way of Christ.

The world tells us that it’s ok if we separate our lives into “charity” and the rest of our lives. But that’s not how it works, either. Jesus served everyone, every day, with everything he had. We should, too.